China Steel Wire Manufacturers
China Window Regulator Steel Cord Suppliers
China Steel Wire Rope Factory

Company Culture

  • Corporate DNA

    For the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation
    Dedicated to creating a happy life for the people
    Stand up for national economic prosperity

  • Our Values

    Honest and trustworthy performance-oriented
    People-oriented, win-win cooperation

  • Our Mission

    Leading business progress
    Create a better life together

  • Enterprise Spirit

    Dedication to the country
    Dare to be the first to innovate
    The spirit of perseverance to move forward
    The spirit of self-improvement

  • Our Vision

    Become trusted and loved by enterprises
    wire rope enterprise

  • Organizational Atmosphere

    sincere unity
    open and aggressive

Rongxing(taicang) Wire Rope Co.,ltd

The predecessor of the company is a foreign-funded enterprise invested by South Korea. It was established in March 1995 with a total investment of 12.5 million US dollars and a registered capital of 5 million US dollars. Use flexible steel wire rope, spring steel wire, galvanized steel wire rope, phosphating steel wire for optical cable, galvanized steel wire for optical cable, Non-Rotating Steel Wire Rope,PVC coated steel wire rope. Wire rope, wire rope, stainless steel wire rope, etc.